Nothing Much Going On Today

Many of my devoted fans have sent emails, asking why I have not written for so long. The answer, dear friends, is Covid-19.

No, I am not ill. But this was supposed to be about travels through Spain and the rest of Europe. The global pandemic has stifled my wanderlust. For now.

But that is not the only reason for my silence. I have been preoccupied by something going on in my home country, the United States of America. Perhaps you have heard of it. It is an election for president.

Apparently there is an election every four years. I am not sure I believe this because it seems that the previous election was at least twenty years ago, just a few years before the start of this pandemic. Nonetheless, I am told the four year theory is supported by incontrovertible documentation.

I have carefully studied press releases from both sides. It seems the election will determine whether the United States becomes a fascist state controlled by a family of grifters, or a communist state controlled by a family of grifters.

According to news reports, billions of dollars have been spent to persuade people to vote for the communist grifter, and billions more have been spent persuading people that they would be much better off with a fascist grifter. This probably was a huge waste of money because anyone who reads Facebook knows that everyone’s mind was made up long before either campaign aired its first commercial.

As I write it is 6:00 p.m. in Spain. Polls in the United States have been open only for a few hours. I will go to bed tonight not knowing whether the election has been won by the fascist or the communist. Possibly I will not know for several days, or even weeks. I do, however, know this:

We’ll be okay.

One Reply to “Nothing Much Going On Today”

  1. So good to hear from you, Dan. Steve and I are well (for what little that means these days), and no doubt we concur with your analysis. We are both disappointed about having to put the kibosh on our travel plans, too. We might have popped in for a visit, but now….only in our dreams. As two who live in a designated “Anarchist Jurisdiction”, safety is our highest value, next to restocking the larder. Take care, be well, S & MVO.

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