Welcome to Let’s Mosey On. This blog concerns our travels from the United States of America to and around Spain. The journey has just begun, and already the road has been bumpy and full of unexpected detours. We’ve made some bonehead mistakes.

You may find this blog useful if, like us, you want to see the world. You can avoid our mistakes. This will free up the time necessary to make your own.

Most people reading this blog will not become expats. For them I can promise only the comfortable feeling of superiority that comes from reading about a couple of old fools trying to make themselves understood in foreign lands.

We have, however, accidentally done a few things right. You may enjoy reading about the world through the eyes of folks not unlike yourself. Folks who are fortunate enough to have been reared in the world’s greatest county, but are eager to see what lay beyond. Folks who are not wealthy but have just enough savings to travel, assuming they exercise some frugality.

Read on, my friends. I hope you will enjoy doing so.


Surveying Salamanca

Salamanca is an UNESCO World Heritage City. Apparently that’s because it is an old city, with a lot of neat old stuff.

Getting “Padeled” in Spain

I spent my high school freshman year at St. Albert Catholic School in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The boys there had to wear slacks, a dress shirt, and a tie. Girls wore Exorcist-green below-the-knee plaid skirts designed by a blind Scotsman.


On August 31, 2019, Daniel and Denise Stageman sold all material belongings, save what could fit in four suitcases, and moved overseas. This blog is about that journey.

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